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1. 教育及工作经历






2 主要研究内容

(1) 葡萄环状RNAcircular RNA, circRNA)与非生物胁迫应答机制研究。主要从植物circRNA过表达后的剪接和环化效率,circRNA的编码潜力,以及circRNA-protein结合等方面开展研究。

3. 主持(参与)的项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,葡萄环状 RNACircCOR27)结合蛋白鉴定及其耐高温调控机制研究(32202446),2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持

(2) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,葡萄 circRNA 编码能力与冷胁迫调控关系探究(2021M692102),2021.04-2022.08,结题,主持

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,miRNA前体小肽miPEP在葡萄低温胁迫抗性中的功能研究(32372673),2024.01-2027.12,在研,参与

4.学术论文(#First author, *Co-corresponding author

(1) Ren Y#, Li J, Liu J, Zhang Z, Song Y, Fan D, Liu M, Zhang L, Xu Y, Guo D, He J, Song SR, Gao Z, Ma C*. Functional differences of grapevine circular RNA Vv-circPTCD1 in Arabidopsis and grapevine callus under abiotic stress. Plants, 2023, 12, 2332.

(2) Zhang, L, Fan, D, Li, H, Chen, Q, Zhang, Z, Liu, M, Liu J, Song Y, He J, Xu W, Song, S, Liu H, Ren Y*, Ma C*. Characterization and identification of grapevine heat stress-responsive microRNAs revealed the positive regulated function of vvi-miR167 in thermostability, Plant Science, 2023, 329, 111623.

(3) Liu J, Li H, Zhang L, Song Y, He J, Xu W, Ma C, Ren Y*, Liu H*. Integrative

investigation of root-related mRNAs, lncRNAs and circRNAs of "Muscat

Hamburg" (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevine in response to root restriction through

transcriptomic analyses. Genes. 2022, 13(9):1547.

(4) Ren Y#, Song Y, Zhang L, Guo D, He J, Wang L, Song S, Xu W, Zhang C, Lers A, Ma C*, Wang S. Coding of non-coding RNA: insights into the regulatory functions of pri-microRNA-encoded peptides in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 12:641351.

(5) Ren Y#, Pan J Y, Zhang Z K, Zhao J T, He X H, Qin Y H, Hu G B*. Identification of an up-accumulated polyamine oxidase 2 in pollen of self-incompatible Wuzishatangju’ mandarin using comparative proteomic analysis. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 266: 109279.

(6) Ren Y#, Pan J Y, Zhang Z K, Zhao J T, He X H, Qin Y H, Hu G B*. An SKP1-like protein, CrSKP1-e, interacting with pollen-specific F-box proteins and assembling into SCF-type E3 complex in pollen of ‘Wuzishatangju’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco). Peer J, 2020, 8: e10578.

(7) Zhang L, Song Y, Li J, Liu J, Zhang Z, Xu Y, Fan D, Liu M, Ren Y, Xi X, … Ma C*. Development, Identification and Validation of a Novel SSR Molecular Marker for Heat Resistance of Grapes Based on miRNA. Horticulturae, 2023, 9: 931.

(8) Zhang Z, Fan D, Song Y, Zhang L, Liu J, Liu M, XuY, He J, Song S, Ren Y, Han B*, Ma C*. Translational profile of coding and non-coding RNAs revealed by genome wide profiling of ribosome footprints in grapevine. Frontiers in plant science. 2023, 14: 1097846

(9) Zhang L, Chen Q, Liu J, Dou F, Wang H, Song Y, Ren Y, He J, Wang L, Zhang C, Wang S, Xu W, Li Y, Ma C, Song S, Liu H*. Identification of grape miRNA revealed Vvi-miR164b involved in auxin induced root development. Scientia

Horticulturae, 2022, 295: 110804.

(10) Li Q L, Jiang W Z, Ren Y, Chen R, Li X L, Yang Y S, Wu H. In vitro cloning

potential and phytochemical evaluations of aneuploid individuals produced from

reciprocal crosses between diploid and triploid in Echinacea purpurea L. Acta

Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2017, 86: 3556.

(11) Jiang W Z, Li Q L, Chen X L, Ren Y, Chen R, Wu H, Yang Y S. A C-banded

karyotype of mitotic chromosomes in diploid purple coneflower (Echinacea

purpurea L.). Hereditas, 2016, 153: 14.

(12) 吕 顺, , 王 芳, 胡桂兵, 黄秉智, 刘文清, 何建齐, 刘建平, 曾莉莎, 周建坤, 麦景郁, 张珂恒. 利用流式细胞术快速鉴定 169 份香蕉种质资源的染色体倍性. 果树学报, 2018, 35: 668-684.


(1) 马超, 张利鹏, , 何娟, 王磊, 王世平. miRNA-SSR 分子标记引物在葡萄耐热性鉴定方面的应用 (发明专利), 申请号:202210684058.7, 申请时间:2022 6 17 日;

(2) 马超, 陈秋菊, , 何娟, 王磊, 王世平. Pri-miRNA 编码的多肽在提高葡萄抗寒性能中的应用 (发明专利), 申请号:202110993058.0, 申请时间:2021 8 27 日。

6. 获奖情况

(1) 2021 年上海交通大学晨星博士后激励计划支持。

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